Package: unicol

unicol: The Colors of your University

Most universities use specific color combinations to express their unique brand identity. The 'unicol' package provides the colors and color palettes of various universities for easy plotting and printing in R. We collect and provide a diverse range of color palettes for creating scientific visualizations.

Authors:Hansjoerg Neth [aut, cre], Constantin Basler [ctb], Paula Bauer [ctb], Kaethe Bodenstein [ctb], Franziska Drechsel [ctb], Gina-Loretta Franz [ctb], Karolin Heiss [ctb], Julia Koenig [ctb], Isabelle Krist [ctb], Larissa Schwab [ctb], Alina Sohst [ctb], Isabel Staatz [ctb], Lisa Trueb [ctb]

unicol.pdf |unicol.html
unicol/json (API)

# Install 'unicol' in R:
install.packages('unicol', repos = c('', ''))

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Last updated 6 months agofrom:3f5354dec5. Checks:5 OK, 3 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 09 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEFeb 09 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 09 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 09 2025



All color palettes

Rendered fromcolor_pals.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 09 2025.

Last update: 2024-05-09
Started: 2023-08-02

Using color palettes

Rendered fromusing_pals.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 09 2025.

Last update: 2024-05-07
Started: 2023-08-02

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Primary brand colours of Aalto University, Finlandaalto_1
Primary brand colours of Aalto University, Finlandaalto_2
The colours of Aarhus University, Denmarkaarhus
Primary corporate colors of Aberystwyth University, Walesaberystwyth_1
Secondary corporate colors of Aberystwyth University, Walesaberystwyth_2
Background colours of Australian National University, Australiaanu_1
Font colours of Australian National University, Australiaanu_2
Primary colors of the Arizona State University, USAasu_1
Secondary colors of the Arizona State University, USAasu_2
Grayscale colors of the Arizona State University, USAasu_3
University web colours of the University of Auckland, NZauckland_1
Faculty web colours of the University of Auckland, NZauckland_2
Primary corporate colours of the University of Bangor, Walesbangor_1
Secondary colours of the University of Bangor, Walesbangor_2
Tertiary colours of the University of Bangor, Walesbangor_3
Accessible web colours of the University of Bangor, Walesbangor_4
Main colours of the University of Bergen, Norwaybergen_1
Additional colours of the University of Bergen, Norwaybergen_2
Support colours of the University of Bergen, Norwaybergen_3
Text colours of the University of Bergen, Norwaybergen_4
Primary colors of Berkeley, University of California, USAberkeley_1
Secondary colors of Berkeley, University of California, USAberkeley_2
Colours of the University of Birmingham, England, UKbirmingham
Primary and accent colors of Brown University, USAbrown_1
Secondary colors of Brown University, USAbrown_2
Primary colors of Boston University, USAbu
Primary and neutral colors of Caltech, USAcaltech_1
Primary and deep colors of Caltech, USAcaltech_2
Primary and bright colors of Caltech, USAcaltech_3
Primary colours of Cardiff University, Walescardiff_1
Secondary colour examples of Cardiff University, Walescardiff_2
Colors of the University of Carleton, Canadacarleton
Core colors of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USAcmu_1
Secondary colors of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USAcmu_2
Campus colors of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USAcmu_3
The primary colors of Columbia University, USAcolumbia_1
The secondary colors of Columbia University, USAcolumbia_2
The highlight colors of Columbia University, USAcolumbia_3
Primary colours of Concordia University, Canadaconcordia_1
Secondary colours of Concordia University, Canadaconcordia_2
Background tints of Concordia University, Canadaconcordia_3
Neutral colours of Concordia University, Canadaconcordia_4
Primary colors of Cornell University, USAcornell_1
Secondary colors of Cornell University, USAcornell_2
Accent colors of Cornell University, USAcornell_3_accent
Primary color of Dartmouth College, USAdartmouth_1
Secondary colors of Dartmouth College, USAdartmouth_2
Tertiary colors of Dartmouth College, USAdartmouth_3
Primary colors of Duke University, USAduke_1
Secondary colors of Duke University, USAduke_2
Background colours of University of Dundee, Scotlanddundee_background
Block colours of University of Dundee, Scotlanddundee_block
Core colours of University of Dundee, Scotlanddundee_core
Highlight colours of University of Dundee, Scotlanddundee_highlight
Primary colours of the University of Edinburgh, Scotlandedinburgh
Default colors of the ETH Zurich, CHeth_1
Lighter shades of the colors of the ETH Zurich, CHeth_2
Black and grey colors of the ETH Zurich, CHeth_3
Primary colors of the University of Example, Countryexample
Primary colors of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany (pre 2024)fu_0_2023
Primary colors of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germanyfu_1
Primary color gradient of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany (pre 2024)fu_1_2023
Black color gradient of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germanyfu_2
Secondary and grey colors of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany (pre 2024)fu_2_2023
Blue color gradient of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germanyfu_3
Blue color gradient of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany (pre 2024)fu_3_2023
Additional colors of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germanyfu_4
Primary colors of the University of Galway, Irelandgalway_1
Secondary colors of the University of Galway, Irelandgalway_2
Primary colours of the University of Glasgow, Scotlandglasgow_1
Secondary colours of the University of Glasgow, Scotlandglasgow_2
Signature colour of the University of Gothenburg, Swedengothenburg
Primary colors of the University of Groningen, Netherlandsgroningen_1
Secondary colors of the University of Groningen, Netherlandsgroningen_2
Colours of the University of Guelph, Canadaguelph
Primary colors of Harvard University, USAharvard_1
Accent colors of Harvard University, USAharvard_2
Web colors of Harvard University, USAharvard_3
Main brand colors of the University of Helsinki, Finlandhelsinki_1
Grayscale colors of the University of Helsinki, Finlandhelsinki_2
Departmental accent colors of the University of Helsinki, Finlandhelsinki_3
Primary colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germanyhu_1
Primary colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germany (2022)hu_1_2022
Digital colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germanyhu_1_digital
Secondary colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germanyhu_2
Secondary colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germany, 2022hu_2_2022
Possible accent colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germanyhu_3_accent
Identity colors of of Johns Hopkins University (JHU), USAjhu_0
Primary colors of Johns Hopkins University (JHU), USAjhu_1
Secondary colors of Johns Hopkins University (JHU), USAjhu_2
Accent colors of Johns Hopkins University (JHU), USAjhu_3_accent
Grey scale colors of Johns Hopkins University (JHU), USAjhu_4_gray
Primary colours of the University of Copenhagen, Denmarkku_1
Secondary colours of the University of Copenhagen, Denmarkku_2
Primary colours of the Lancaster University, England, UKlancaster_1
Secondary colours of Lancaster University, England, UKlancaster_2
Colours of the Laval University, Canadalaval
Primary colours of the University of Limerick, Irelandlimerick_1
Secondary colors of the University of Limerick, Irelandlimerick_2
Primary colors of the LMU Munich, Germanylmu_1
Secondary colors of the LMU Munich, Germanylmu_2
Accent colors of the LMU Munich, Germanylmu_3
Profile colours of the University of Lund, Swedenlund_1
Pastel colours of the University of Lund, Swedenlund_2
Darker pastel colours of the University of Lund, Swedenlund_3
Primary colors of Manchester University, USAmanchester_uni_1
Accent colors of Manchester University, USAmanchester_uni_2
Primary colors of the University of Manitoba, Canadamanitoba_1
Extended colors of the University of Manitoba, Canadamanitoba_2
Colours of Maynooth University, Irelandmaynooth
Bright colours of McGill University, Canadamcgill_brights
Dark colours of McGill University, Canadamcgill_darks
Grey colour of McGill University, Canadamcgill_grey
Muted colours of McGill University, Canadamcgill_muted
Pastel colours of McGill University, Canadamcgill_pastels
Primary colour of McGill University, Canadamcgill_red
Brighter World colours of McMaster University, Canadamcmaster_brighterworld
Heritage colours of McMaster University, Canadamcmaster_heritage
Primary colors of the University of Michigan, USAmichigan_1
Secondary colors of the University of Michigan, USAmichigan_2
Primary colors of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USAminnesotatwin_1
Secondary colors of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USAminnesotatwin_2
Colors of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), USAmit
Primary colors of Monash University, USAmonash_1
Secondary colors of Monash University, USAmonash_2
Default colors of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG), Germanympg
Primary colors of Macquarie University, Australiamq_1
Faculty colors of Macquarie University, Australiamq_2
'msu' provides the six core colors of Michigan State University, USA.msu
Colors of the University Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canadamun_1
Secondary Colors of the University Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canadamun_2
Primary colors of Northwestern University, USAnorthwestern_1
Secondary colors of Northwestern University, USAnorthwestern_2
Primary colors of the University of Notre Dame, USAnotredame_1
Secondary colors of the University of Notre Dame, USAnotredame_2
Primary colours of the University of Nottingham, England/UKnottingham_1
Supporting colours of the University of Nottingham, England/UKnottingham_2
Neutral colours of the University of Nottingham, England/UKnottingham_3
Primary colors of New York University (NYU), USAnyu_1
Secondary colors of New York University (NYU), USAnyu_2
Accent colors of New York University (NYU), USAnyu_accent
Neutral colors of of New York University (NYU), USAnyu_neutral
Primary colors of Ohio University, USAohio_uni_1
Secondary colors of Ohio University, USAohio_uni_2
Colours of the University of Oslo, Norwayoslo
Colours of the University of Otago, NZotago
Custom blog colours of University of Oxford, England, UKoxford_blog
Brand colours of University of Oxford, England, UKoxford_brand
Error colours of University of Oxford, England, UKoxford_error
General colours of University of Oxford, England, UKoxford_general
Graduate country page colours of University of Oxford, England, UKoxford_graduate
Link colours of University of Oxford, England, UKoxford_link
Shade colours of University of Oxford, England, UKoxford_shades
Social Media colours of University of Oxford, England, UKoxford_socialmedia
Contemporary colors of the University of Pittsburgh, USApitt_1
Legacy colors of the University of Pittsburgh, USApitt_2
Basic colors of Princeton University, USAprinceton_0
Colors of Princeton University, USA (on white backgrounds)princeton_1
Colors of Princeton University, USA (on black backgrounds)princeton_2
Primary colours of Queen's University, Canadaqueensu_1
Secondary colours of Queen's University, Canadaqueensu_2
Primary colors of RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), USArpi_1
Secondary colors of RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), USArpi_2
Tint colors of RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), USArpi_3
Colors of the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germanyrptu
Brand colours of Simon Fraser University, Canadasfu_brand
Primary colours of the University of St Andrews, Scotlandstandrews_1
Secondary colours of the University of St Andrews, Scotlandstandrews_2
Primary colors of Stanford University, USAstanford_1
Accent colors of Stanford University, USAstanford_2
Web colors of Stanford University, USAstanford_3
Primary colours of the University of Stirling, Scotlandstirling_1
Secondary colours of the University of Stirling, Scotlandstirling_2
Tertiary colours of the University of Stirling, Scotlandstirling_3
Main colours of the University of Stockholm, Swedenstockholm_1
Additional colours of the University of Stockholm, Swedenstockholm_2
Primary colours of the Trinity College Dublin, Irelandtrinity_1
Secondary colours of Trinity College Dublin, Irelandtrinity_2
Colors of the University of British Columbia, Canadaubc
Primary colours of the University of Calgary, Canadaucalgary_1
Secondary colours of the University of Calgary, Canadaucalgary_2
Accent colours of the University of Calgary, Canadaucalgary_accent
Warm grey colours of the University of Calgary, Canadaucalgary_warmgreys
Primary colours of the University College Cork, Irelanducc_1
Secondary colours of the University College Cork, Irelanducc_2
Colours of the University College Dublin, Irelanducd
Primary colors of the University of Chicago, USAuchicago_1
Accent colors of the University of Chicago, USAuchicago_2
Primary colors of the University of California, Irvine, USAuci_1
Secondary colors of the University of California, Irvine, USAuci_2
Tertiary colors of UCI Health, Irvine, USAuci_3
Secondary colors of UCI Health, Irvine, USAuci_4
Primary colors of UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, USAucla_1
Secondary colors of UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, USAucla_2
Tertiary colors of UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, USAucla_3
Blue brand gradient colors of UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, USAucla_4
Core colors of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), USAucsd_1
Accent colors of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), USAucsd_2
Neutral colors of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), USAucsd_3
Primary colors of the University of Florida, USAuflorida_1
Secondary colors of the University of Florida, USAuflorida_2
Neutral colors of the University of Florida, USAuflorida_3
Brand colors of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USAumass_1
Secondary colors of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USAumass_2
Neutral colors of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USAumass_neutrals
Primary colors of the University of Bonn, Germanyuni_bonn_1
Gradient colors of the University of Bonn, Germanyuni_bonn_2
Basic colors of the University of Freiburg, Germanyuni_freiburg_0
Primary colors of the University of Freiburg, Germanyuni_freiburg_1
Secondary colors of the University of Freiburg, Germanyuni_freiburg_2
Blue colors of the University of Freiburg, Germany (2022)uni_freiburg_blue
Default colors of the University of Freiburg, Germany (2022)uni_freiburg_br
Grey colors of the University of Freiburg, Germany (2022)uni_freiburg_grey
Info colors of the University of Freiburg, Germany (2022)uni_freiburg_info
Primary colors of the University of Göttingen, Germanyuni_goettingen_1
Secondary colors of the University of Göttingen, Germanyuni_goettingen_2
Departmental colors of the University of Göttingen, Germanyuni_goettingen_3
Primary colors of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germanyuni_halle
Primary colors of the University of Hamburg, Germanyuni_hamburg_1
Secondary colors of the University of Hamburg, Germanyuni_hamburg_2
Official colours of the University of Heidelberg, Germanyuni_heidelberg
Primary colors of the University of Jena, Germanyuni_jena_1
Departmental colors of the University of Jena, Germanyuni_jena_2
Colors of the University of Kassel, Germanyuni_kassel
Primary color of Kiel University, Germanyuni_kiel_1
Departmental colors of Kiel University, Germanyuni_kiel_2
Primary colors of the University of Koeln (Cologne), Germanyuni_koeln_1
Departmental colors of the University of Koeln (Cologne), Germanyuni_koeln_2
Default colors of the University of Konstanz, Germanyuni_konstanz_1
Preferred colors of the University of Konstanz, Germanyuni_konstanz_2
Colors of the University of Lisbon, Portugaluni_lisbon
Primary colors of the University of Magdeburg, Germanyuni_magdeburg_1
Faculty colors of the University of Magdeburg, Germanyuni_magdeburg_2
Medical faculty and hospital colors of the University of Magdeburg, Germanyuni_magdeburg_3
Primary colours of the University of Manchester, England, UKuni_manchester
Main color gradient of the University of Mannheim, Germanyuni_mannheim_1
Primary and departmental accent colors of the University of Mannheim, Germanyuni_mannheim_2
Colors of the University of Potsdam, Germanyuni_potsdam
General colors of the University of Regensburg, Germanyuni_regensburg_1
Departmental colors of the University of Regensburg, Germany (for areas)uni_regensburg_2
Departmental colors of the University of Regensburg, Germany (for fonts)uni_regensburg_3
Primary colors of the University of Stuttgart, Germanyuni_stuttgart_1
Printing colors of the University of Stuttgart, Germanyuni_stuttgart_print
Main colors of the University of Ulm, Germanyuni_ulm_1
Departmental colors of the University of Ulm, Germanyuni_ulm_2
The color palettes of the *unicol* packageunicol_data
Open the unicol package
Colors of the University of Ottawa, Canadauottawa
Logo colors of the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), USAupenn_1
Web colors of the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), USAupenn_2
Colours of Uppsala University, Swedenuppsala
Colors of the University of Toronto, Canadautoronto
Core colours of the University of Victoria, Canadauvic_1
Complementary colours of the University of Victoria, Canadauvic_2
Faculty of Arts colors of the University of Waterloo, Canadauwaterloo_arts
Faculty of Engineering colors of the University of Waterloo, Canadauwaterloo_engineering
Faculty of Environment colors of the University of Waterloo, Canadauwaterloo_environment
Faculty of Health colors of the University of Waterloo, Canadauwaterloo_health
Main colors of the University of Waterloo, Canadauwaterloo_main
Faculty of Math colors of the University of Waterloo, Canadauwaterloo_math
Faculty of Science colors of the University of Waterloo, Canadauwaterloo_science
Core colors of Vanderbilt University, USAvanderbilt_1
Neutral colors of Vanderbilt University, USAvanderbilt_2
Saturated colors of the Vanderbilt University, USAvanderbilt_3
Colours of the University of Waikato, NZwaikato
Official colours of Western University, Canadawestern_uni
The colors of Willamette University, USAwillamette
Primary color palette of William & Mary, USAwm_1
Secondary color palette of William & Mary, USAwm_2
Tertiary color palette of William & Mary, USAwm_3
Primary colours of the University of Wollongong, Australiawollongong_1
Secondary colours of the University of Wollongong, Australiawollongong_2
Primary colors of Yale University, USAyale
Colors of Yeshiva University, USAyeshiva
Primary colors of the York University, Canadayorku_1
Secondary colors of the York University, Canadayorku_2