Primary brand colours of Aalto University, Finland | aalto_1 |
Primary brand colours of Aalto University, Finland | aalto_2 |
The colours of Aarhus University, Denmark | aarhus |
Primary corporate colors of Aberystwyth University, Wales | aberystwyth_1 |
Secondary corporate colors of Aberystwyth University, Wales | aberystwyth_2 |
Background colours of Australian National University, Australia | anu_1 |
Font colours of Australian National University, Australia | anu_2 |
Primary colors of the Arizona State University, USA | asu_1 |
Secondary colors of the Arizona State University, USA | asu_2 |
Grayscale colors of the Arizona State University, USA | asu_3 |
University web colours of the University of Auckland, NZ | auckland_1 |
Faculty web colours of the University of Auckland, NZ | auckland_2 |
Primary corporate colours of the University of Bangor, Wales | bangor_1 |
Secondary colours of the University of Bangor, Wales | bangor_2 |
Tertiary colours of the University of Bangor, Wales | bangor_3 |
Accessible web colours of the University of Bangor, Wales | bangor_4 |
Main colours of the University of Bergen, Norway | bergen_1 |
Additional colours of the University of Bergen, Norway | bergen_2 |
Support colours of the University of Bergen, Norway | bergen_3 |
Text colours of the University of Bergen, Norway | bergen_4 |
Primary colors of Berkeley, University of California, USA | berkeley_1 |
Secondary colors of Berkeley, University of California, USA | berkeley_2 |
Colours of the University of Birmingham, England, UK | birmingham |
Primary and accent colors of Brown University, USA | brown_1 |
Secondary colors of Brown University, USA | brown_2 |
Primary colors of Boston University, USA | bu |
Primary and neutral colors of Caltech, USA | caltech_1 |
Primary and deep colors of Caltech, USA | caltech_2 |
Primary and bright colors of Caltech, USA | caltech_3 |
Primary colours of Cardiff University, Wales | cardiff_1 |
Secondary colour examples of Cardiff University, Wales | cardiff_2 |
Colors of the University of Carleton, Canada | carleton |
Core colors of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USA | cmu_1 |
Secondary colors of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USA | cmu_2 |
Campus colors of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USA | cmu_3 |
The primary colors of Columbia University, USA | columbia_1 |
The secondary colors of Columbia University, USA | columbia_2 |
The highlight colors of Columbia University, USA | columbia_3 |
Primary colours of Concordia University, Canada | concordia_1 |
Secondary colours of Concordia University, Canada | concordia_2 |
Background tints of Concordia University, Canada | concordia_3 |
Neutral colours of Concordia University, Canada | concordia_4 |
Primary colors of Cornell University, USA | cornell_1 |
Secondary colors of Cornell University, USA | cornell_2 |
Accent colors of Cornell University, USA | cornell_3_accent |
Primary color of Dartmouth College, USA | dartmouth_1 |
Secondary colors of Dartmouth College, USA | dartmouth_2 |
Tertiary colors of Dartmouth College, USA | dartmouth_3 |
Primary colors of Duke University, USA | duke_1 |
Secondary colors of Duke University, USA | duke_2 |
Background colours of University of Dundee, Scotland | dundee_background |
Block colours of University of Dundee, Scotland | dundee_block |
Core colours of University of Dundee, Scotland | dundee_core |
Highlight colours of University of Dundee, Scotland | dundee_highlight |
Primary colours of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland | edinburgh |
Default colors of the ETH Zurich, CH | eth_1 |
Lighter shades of the colors of the ETH Zurich, CH | eth_2 |
Black and grey colors of the ETH Zurich, CH | eth_3 |
Primary colors of the University of Example, Country | example |
Primary colors of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany (pre 2024) | fu_0_2023 |
Primary colors of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany | fu_1 |
Primary color gradient of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany (pre 2024) | fu_1_2023 |
Black color gradient of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany | fu_2 |
Secondary and grey colors of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany (pre 2024) | fu_2_2023 |
Blue color gradient of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany | fu_3 |
Blue color gradient of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany (pre 2024) | fu_3_2023 |
Additional colors of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Germany | fu_4 |
Primary colors of the University of Galway, Ireland | galway_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of Galway, Ireland | galway_2 |
Primary colours of the University of Glasgow, Scotland | glasgow_1 |
Secondary colours of the University of Glasgow, Scotland | glasgow_2 |
Signature colour of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden | gothenburg |
Primary colors of the University of Groningen, Netherlands | groningen_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of Groningen, Netherlands | groningen_2 |
Colours of the University of Guelph, Canada | guelph |
Primary colors of Harvard University, USA | harvard_1 |
Accent colors of Harvard University, USA | harvard_2 |
Web colors of Harvard University, USA | harvard_3 |
Main brand colors of the University of Helsinki, Finland | helsinki_1 |
Grayscale colors of the University of Helsinki, Finland | helsinki_2 |
Departmental accent colors of the University of Helsinki, Finland | helsinki_3 |
Primary colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germany | hu_1 |
Primary colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germany (2022) | hu_1_2022 |
Digital colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germany | hu_1_digital |
Secondary colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germany | hu_2 |
Secondary colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germany, 2022 | hu_2_2022 |
Possible accent colors of the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin, Germany | hu_3_accent |
Identity colors of of Johns Hopkins University (JHU), USA | jhu_0 |
Primary colors of Johns Hopkins University (JHU), USA | jhu_1 |
Secondary colors of Johns Hopkins University (JHU), USA | jhu_2 |
Accent colors of Johns Hopkins University (JHU), USA | jhu_3_accent |
Grey scale colors of Johns Hopkins University (JHU), USA | jhu_4_gray |
Primary colours of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark | ku_1 |
Secondary colours of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark | ku_2 |
Primary colours of the Lancaster University, England, UK | lancaster_1 |
Secondary colours of Lancaster University, England, UK | lancaster_2 |
Colours of the Laval University, Canada | laval |
Primary colours of the University of Limerick, Ireland | limerick_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of Limerick, Ireland | limerick_2 |
Primary colors of the LMU Munich, Germany | lmu_1 |
Secondary colors of the LMU Munich, Germany | lmu_2 |
Accent colors of the LMU Munich, Germany | lmu_3 |
Profile colours of the University of Lund, Sweden | lund_1 |
Pastel colours of the University of Lund, Sweden | lund_2 |
Darker pastel colours of the University of Lund, Sweden | lund_3 |
Primary colors of Manchester University, USA | manchester_uni_1 |
Accent colors of Manchester University, USA | manchester_uni_2 |
Primary colors of the University of Manitoba, Canada | manitoba_1 |
Extended colors of the University of Manitoba, Canada | manitoba_2 |
Colours of Maynooth University, Ireland | maynooth |
Bright colours of McGill University, Canada | mcgill_brights |
Dark colours of McGill University, Canada | mcgill_darks |
Grey colour of McGill University, Canada | mcgill_grey |
Muted colours of McGill University, Canada | mcgill_muted |
Pastel colours of McGill University, Canada | mcgill_pastels |
Primary colour of McGill University, Canada | mcgill_red |
Brighter World colours of McMaster University, Canada | mcmaster_brighterworld |
Heritage colours of McMaster University, Canada | mcmaster_heritage |
Primary colors of the University of Michigan, USA | michigan_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of Michigan, USA | michigan_2 |
Primary colors of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA | minnesotatwin_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA | minnesotatwin_2 |
Colors of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), USA | mit |
Primary colors of Monash University, USA | monash_1 |
Secondary colors of Monash University, USA | monash_2 |
Default colors of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG), Germany | mpg |
Primary colors of Macquarie University, Australia | mq_1 |
Faculty colors of Macquarie University, Australia | mq_2 |
'msu' provides the six core colors of Michigan State University, USA. | msu |
Colors of the University Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada | mun_1 |
Secondary Colors of the University Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada | mun_2 |
Primary colors of Northwestern University, USA | northwestern_1 |
Secondary colors of Northwestern University, USA | northwestern_2 |
Primary colors of the University of Notre Dame, USA | notredame_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of Notre Dame, USA | notredame_2 |
Primary colours of the University of Nottingham, England/UK | nottingham_1 |
Supporting colours of the University of Nottingham, England/UK | nottingham_2 |
Neutral colours of the University of Nottingham, England/UK | nottingham_3 |
Primary colors of New York University (NYU), USA | nyu_1 |
Secondary colors of New York University (NYU), USA | nyu_2 |
Accent colors of New York University (NYU), USA | nyu_accent |
Neutral colors of of New York University (NYU), USA | nyu_neutral |
Primary colors of Ohio University, USA | ohio_uni_1 |
Secondary colors of Ohio University, USA | ohio_uni_2 |
Colours of the University of Oslo, Norway | oslo |
Colours of the University of Otago, NZ | otago |
Custom blog colours of University of Oxford, England, UK | oxford_blog |
Brand colours of University of Oxford, England, UK | oxford_brand |
Error colours of University of Oxford, England, UK | oxford_error |
General colours of University of Oxford, England, UK | oxford_general |
Graduate country page colours of University of Oxford, England, UK | oxford_graduate |
Link colours of University of Oxford, England, UK | oxford_link |
Shade colours of University of Oxford, England, UK | oxford_shades |
Social Media colours of University of Oxford, England, UK | oxford_socialmedia |
Contemporary colors of the University of Pittsburgh, USA | pitt_1 |
Legacy colors of the University of Pittsburgh, USA | pitt_2 |
Basic colors of Princeton University, USA | princeton_0 |
Colors of Princeton University, USA (on white backgrounds) | princeton_1 |
Colors of Princeton University, USA (on black backgrounds) | princeton_2 |
Primary colours of Queen's University, Canada | queensu_1 |
Secondary colours of Queen's University, Canada | queensu_2 |
Primary colors of RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), USA | rpi_1 |
Secondary colors of RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), USA | rpi_2 |
Tint colors of RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), USA | rpi_3 |
Colors of the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany | rptu |
Brand colours of Simon Fraser University, Canada | sfu_brand |
Primary colours of the University of St Andrews, Scotland | standrews_1 |
Secondary colours of the University of St Andrews, Scotland | standrews_2 |
Primary colors of Stanford University, USA | stanford_1 |
Accent colors of Stanford University, USA | stanford_2 |
Web colors of Stanford University, USA | stanford_3 |
Primary colours of the University of Stirling, Scotland | stirling_1 |
Secondary colours of the University of Stirling, Scotland | stirling_2 |
Tertiary colours of the University of Stirling, Scotland | stirling_3 |
Main colours of the University of Stockholm, Sweden | stockholm_1 |
Additional colours of the University of Stockholm, Sweden | stockholm_2 |
Primary colours of the Trinity College Dublin, Ireland | trinity_1 |
Secondary colours of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland | trinity_2 |
Colors of the University of British Columbia, Canada | ubc |
Primary colours of the University of Calgary, Canada | ucalgary_1 |
Secondary colours of the University of Calgary, Canada | ucalgary_2 |
Accent colours of the University of Calgary, Canada | ucalgary_accent |
Warm grey colours of the University of Calgary, Canada | ucalgary_warmgreys |
Primary colours of the University College Cork, Ireland | ucc_1 |
Secondary colours of the University College Cork, Ireland | ucc_2 |
Colours of the University College Dublin, Ireland | ucd |
Primary colors of the University of Chicago, USA | uchicago_1 |
Accent colors of the University of Chicago, USA | uchicago_2 |
Primary colors of the University of California, Irvine, USA | uci_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of California, Irvine, USA | uci_2 |
Tertiary colors of UCI Health, Irvine, USA | uci_3 |
Secondary colors of UCI Health, Irvine, USA | uci_4 |
Primary colors of UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, USA | ucla_1 |
Secondary colors of UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, USA | ucla_2 |
Tertiary colors of UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, USA | ucla_3 |
Blue brand gradient colors of UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, USA | ucla_4 |
Core colors of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), USA | ucsd_1 |
Accent colors of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), USA | ucsd_2 |
Neutral colors of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), USA | ucsd_3 |
Primary colors of the University of Florida, USA | uflorida_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of Florida, USA | uflorida_2 |
Neutral colors of the University of Florida, USA | uflorida_3 |
Brand colors of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA | umass_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA | umass_2 |
Neutral colors of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA | umass_neutrals |
Primary colors of the University of Bonn, Germany | uni_bonn_1 |
Gradient colors of the University of Bonn, Germany | uni_bonn_2 |
Basic colors of the University of Freiburg, Germany | uni_freiburg_0 |
Primary colors of the University of Freiburg, Germany | uni_freiburg_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of Freiburg, Germany | uni_freiburg_2 |
Blue colors of the University of Freiburg, Germany (2022) | uni_freiburg_blue |
Default colors of the University of Freiburg, Germany (2022) | uni_freiburg_br |
Grey colors of the University of Freiburg, Germany (2022) | uni_freiburg_grey |
Info colors of the University of Freiburg, Germany (2022) | uni_freiburg_info |
Primary colors of the University of Göttingen, Germany | uni_goettingen_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of Göttingen, Germany | uni_goettingen_2 |
Departmental colors of the University of Göttingen, Germany | uni_goettingen_3 |
Primary colors of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany | uni_halle |
Primary colors of the University of Hamburg, Germany | uni_hamburg_1 |
Secondary colors of the University of Hamburg, Germany | uni_hamburg_2 |
Official colours of the University of Heidelberg, Germany | uni_heidelberg |
Primary colors of the University of Jena, Germany | uni_jena_1 |
Departmental colors of the University of Jena, Germany | uni_jena_2 |
Colors of the University of Kassel, Germany | uni_kassel |
Primary color of Kiel University, Germany | uni_kiel_1 |
Departmental colors of Kiel University, Germany | uni_kiel_2 |
Primary colors of the University of Koeln (Cologne), Germany | uni_koeln_1 |
Departmental colors of the University of Koeln (Cologne), Germany | uni_koeln_2 |
Default colors of the University of Konstanz, Germany | uni_konstanz_1 |
Preferred colors of the University of Konstanz, Germany | uni_konstanz_2 |
Colors of the University of Lisbon, Portugal | uni_lisbon |
Primary colors of the University of Magdeburg, Germany | uni_magdeburg_1 |
Faculty colors of the University of Magdeburg, Germany | uni_magdeburg_2 |
Medical faculty and hospital colors of the University of Magdeburg, Germany | uni_magdeburg_3 |
Primary colours of the University of Manchester, England, UK | uni_manchester |
Main color gradient of the University of Mannheim, Germany | uni_mannheim_1 |
Primary and departmental accent colors of the University of Mannheim, Germany | uni_mannheim_2 |
Colors of the University of Potsdam, Germany | uni_potsdam |
General colors of the University of Regensburg, Germany | uni_regensburg_1 |
Departmental colors of the University of Regensburg, Germany (for areas) | uni_regensburg_2 |
Departmental colors of the University of Regensburg, Germany (for fonts) | uni_regensburg_3 |
Primary colors of the University of Stuttgart, Germany | uni_stuttgart_1 |
Printing colors of the University of Stuttgart, Germany | uni_stuttgart_print |
Main colors of the University of Ulm, Germany | uni_ulm_1 |
Departmental colors of the University of Ulm, Germany | uni_ulm_2 |
The color palettes of the *unicol* package | unicol_data |
Open the unicol package guides | |
Colors of the University of Ottawa, Canada | uottawa |
Logo colors of the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), USA | upenn_1 |
Web colors of the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), USA | upenn_2 |
Colours of Uppsala University, Sweden | uppsala |
Colors of the University of Toronto, Canada | utoronto |
Core colours of the University of Victoria, Canada | uvic_1 |
Complementary colours of the University of Victoria, Canada | uvic_2 |
Faculty of Arts colors of the University of Waterloo, Canada | uwaterloo_arts |
Faculty of Engineering colors of the University of Waterloo, Canada | uwaterloo_engineering |
Faculty of Environment colors of the University of Waterloo, Canada | uwaterloo_environment |
Faculty of Health colors of the University of Waterloo, Canada | uwaterloo_health |
Main colors of the University of Waterloo, Canada | uwaterloo_main |
Faculty of Math colors of the University of Waterloo, Canada | uwaterloo_math |
Faculty of Science colors of the University of Waterloo, Canada | uwaterloo_science |
Core colors of Vanderbilt University, USA | vanderbilt_1 |
Neutral colors of Vanderbilt University, USA | vanderbilt_2 |
Saturated colors of the Vanderbilt University, USA | vanderbilt_3 |
Colours of the University of Waikato, NZ | waikato |
Official colours of Western University, Canada | western_uni |
The colors of Willamette University, USA | willamette |
Primary color palette of William & Mary, USA | wm_1 |
Secondary color palette of William & Mary, USA | wm_2 |
Tertiary color palette of William & Mary, USA | wm_3 |
Primary colours of the University of Wollongong, Australia | wollongong_1 |
Secondary colours of the University of Wollongong, Australia | wollongong_2 |
Primary colors of Yale University, USA | yale |
Colors of Yeshiva University, USA | yeshiva |
Primary colors of the York University, Canada | yorku_1 |
Secondary colors of the York University, Canada | yorku_2 |